The story of … no to new head count ..


Has your FY21 H1 budget taken a hit in preparation for the new world? Did your payroll team have planned additional head count to support key compliance and service delivery targets in FY21? Has your operating budget lost permanent head count resources, or is it forecast for reduction? Do you still have compliance issues, projects or remediation tasks you need to deliver?

More than ever Payroll is becoming a highlighted risk item - which has been highlighted in remote working, and single point sensitive payroll departments are just not cut out for our new environment. 

We can assist by providing burst support to your teams, without permanent head count addition at more value for spend than a temporary resource and provide the visibility that you need to feel confident in your payroll function

The Payroll Advisory Co is able to come in and become a trusted advisor - but where we are different is that everything we do is to support your payroll team. We do not provide a report of our findings, we work to deliver the change in those reports.

We partner with your business and take responsibility for delivering actual results. We deliver to a roadmap of activities and you can take the results back to your Executive or Board to provide the assurances you need.

If your recruitment budget has diminished and your price point for payroll support won’t deliver the skills that you need, we can provide an interim effective solution.

Your payroll operating model is a risk but you have options available to mitigate this risk.

Reach out for a discussion.

Andrea Chwalko